
Posted 4w ago by @SubtleAjรญdulce

my plant is very droopy, i just took it home and repotted...

2ft to light, indirect
6โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Best Answer
It's most likely in transplant shock. Don't fertilize it until it looks more normal, Make sure the soil drains well. Give it a soak, drain, and allow to get dry between watering. If it's still moist from yesterday, don't water yet. Peace lilies are divas, saggy when thirsty, and they do perk up a few days after transplanting. Very easy care. No direct sun, but covered patios and porches are good through fall, then they need to be protected from cold. Bring inside when temps drop into the 50s. Avoid drafts around doors and windows. They're commonly called closet plants because they can survive in the dark. It's not recommended, though. They love indirect light and need a few hours daily. They like crowded roots, but I repot my 6 year old peace lily every other year.
Thank you so much!
@SubtleAjรญdulce When you repotted, how much bigger did you go? Because peace lilies like and need their pot size to create pressure in their stems to stand up straight. They like to be root bound a little. Is there a chance you went too big in your pot?