
Posted 1M ago by @FabRubbercup

Can I save this plant ?

Was doing a daily check in on my plants and saw a bit of webbing between this plant leafs. I think it’s spider mites. I’ve sprayed it down with water, sprayed it with Castile soap mix, letting it sit then imma rinse and spray with neem oil. Is there anything else I can do ? #spidermites #help #PestControl now I want to wash all my plants πŸ˜…πŸ’–
1ft to light, indirect
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
Best Answer
Just be sure to treat it every week for 3 weeks. Then make sure to keep her isolated from your other plants. If you have others that were next to it I would treat those plants too. I know it’s a pain but trust me it’s worth it!