
Posted 1Y ago by @vanesa_rangell

There is anyway to save this cacto? I already repot in fr...

2ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 year ago
Best Answer
I have some that had pretty bad damage and you couldn’t even really tell a year later. So you already did the right thing. Put it in good cactus soil and make sure it’s getting good sunlight but not getting burned. For winter only water once a month at the most usually and only lightly or not at all if freezing temps. Many can survive down to the mid twenties for awhile if soil is dry and you block the freezing wind with a blanket
It looks fine. It should make it. In time they can heal themselves amazingly well.
Did that one get cold damage? Kinda what it looks like to me. Either that or sunburn but looks more like frostbite
It’s usually recommended to wait 3-7 days to water after repotting and only water if you think it needs it. If you can find rabbit hill farms soilless cactus mix I highly recommend it.
For example this is two years of growth progress. Any damage can disappear in time. That’s from October 2021 to now.
@SirLiquorice it’s not cold here in Colorado yet πŸ€”
@vanesa_rangell if not cold you can leave it outside but protect it from freezing wind especially when it starts to get super cold you’ll need to bring it inside
They need cold weather to go dormant and flower well the next year but if too cold they’ll die. Kinda looks like that one got frostbite from last winter
@SirLiquorice thank you so much for all your tips!
Yea definitely looks like sunburn got to it, but @SirLiquorice gave you all you need. They're so resilient, it really looks healthy otherwise