
Posted 1M ago by @SereneTobacco73

Droopy and browning leaves

I have had this peace lily for a few years now. It was given to me by my sister when they repotted. It is now in two pots but it continuously has browning leaves and gets droopy. I water and the leaves spring back up. But what’s causing the brown leaves and droopiness? This has also only produced a bloom once in the few years that I’ve had it. It received indirect sunlight, but maybe not enough?
3ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
@SereneTobacco73 are you adding enough water?
If the leaves perk back up right after watering only to flop over again soon after, it's possible the soil has become hydrophobic, so despite watering correctly it still shows signs of being under watered. What does the soil feel like before wateringβ€”is it completely dry? Another possibility is that you need to increase watering frequency, or the amount of water. When you water, do you thoroughly soak it till water comes out of the drainage holes?
@stephonicle it is usually pretty dry, even if I just watered not long ago. I do water until water drains out of the bottom.