
Posted 3w ago by @Marieuno

I just picked up this Hoya Krimson Queen today. She is my...

5” pot with drainage
Last watered 5 days ago
Any Hoya advice Hoya Royalty 🀩🌱✨πŸ₯³?? @Hoyaobsessed @Propa @TheConservator
They love light and a very light airy soil with plenty of bark and perlite. Allow her to dry out completely before watering they. She’s an epiphyte- meaning in nature she grows on trees so use a small pot. I put my smaller Hoyas in pots that are 4 inches. My big Hoyas get 6 inches they don’t mind being crowded. Also you can mist her with Miracle Grow Orchid Bloom Boost to encourage flowering. But you don’t need it, mine all bloom fine without it. Very easygoing plant, I adore Hoyas just be careful not to overwater they don’t like wet feet.
Thank you for the advice
She’s beautiful!😍 I’m not sure what the secrets are to making them bloom exactly, but they do love fertilizer, light and humidity. I am in the process of transitioning all of mine over to semi hydro mixes bc they love it. They also love coco chunks but if you use those they need more frequent watering. I’ve got a few that are starting to bloom right now and it’s so exciting 😍 but I’ve had others for 2 years and still no blooms but they’re growing. They get fertilized at least 2x monthly but I try to get everything at every watering. They really responded when I put them close to the grow lights tho (within a few inches). Doing that and feeding them resulted in peduncles and now blooms so I highly recommend trying πŸ’š
Some Hoyas will bloom as a very young plant. Some are more likely to bloom as a mature plant. They surprise me sometimes.. I took a cutting from my princess last spring and my cutting has bloomed but my mother plant has not. Light plays a huge part in getting them to bloom! If they are planted in too big of a pot your Hoya will use its energy into growing roots to fill the pot. Their root systems are so shallow do a big deep pot even with drainage holes is not ideal. Pot bound is great for Hoyas. In the spring I give my Hoyas a nutrient booster made of fish poo poo called super thrive they seem to love! Give them a great boost in spring. They enjoy high light and I truly believe light plays the biggest part in producing blooms. I water every two weeks in winter sometimes a bit longer but 14 day average. Hope this helps! I wanted to add I provide no extra humidity and most of my Hoyas bloom for me. If they are being stubborn I throw them outside in spring and summer on my shaded porch.