
Posted 8M ago by @Valeriesoasis

I’m curious about the brown spot on my Hawaiian Pothos. A...

0ft to light, indirect
7” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Hey Valerie πŸ‘‹πŸ˜Š I've had to deal with spots on my E.Aureum a while ago so I now your pain! Lol πŸ˜†

Generally... Over/ UNDERwatering is the main cause in Pothos I've found (the old enemy! Lol πŸ˜‚) but humidity and air circulation are both really important for keeping your beautiful Hawaiian healthy too!

They like high humidity but HATE drafts! (Which isn't great news for me with my crappy double glazing!! Haha 🫣🀣).

The good news is .. it looks like only one leaf is affected? Is this recent damage that's appeared or could it be historic? My E.Aurem has similar spots on a older leaf, but I adjusted her situation soon as spotted it (& pulled back on the water) and every leaf that's come in since has been perfectly healthy πŸ₯° it looks like it's an older leaf on yours too... In which case you might not actually need to do anything!

If it really bugs you, you can clip that leaf off it won't hurt her in the slightest!

If your SURE it's not watering or humidity... Check for pests. If more spots appear over the coming week or so, I'd probably pull her out of her pot to check the roots for rot. Xxx
Ooh... Great GREG article about exactly this! πŸ₯°,Hawaiian%20Pothos%20and%20prevent%20spread.
@JenniB81 thank you for your response. This was my first post here. 😊 The spot came with the plant so it may have just been overwatered before I got it. I have been nervous about pests still, though, and will definitely continue keeping a close eye πŸ‘οΈ I love this Hawaiian so much ❀️πŸͺ΄
@JenniB81 thanks so much! That is a great article and sets my mind more at ease that it’s probably not pests. 😊
Hey Valerie! I'm pretty POSITIVE it's not pests so plz don't worry! πŸ₯° It's a common affliction with Epipremnum tbh, and yeah almost CERTAINLY it happened before you even took over this baby's care 😊 she's looking great as far as new leaves etc are concerned so I really think you're ok (BUT! if you have worries just shout! We're always around 😁) xxx