
Posted 2Y ago by @MyrskyCeleste

Dramatic Leaf Droop

#FragrantWinterDaphne #notsohappyplant

It went from perky from the garden center, to miserable in front of my window. Can I save her?
1ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 years ago
Best Answer
It sounds like she’s in the best possible spot at the moment. My guess is that she’s shocked from the change in location. I really wouldn’t do anything differently with her since they are really sensitive to change. I’ve barely touched mine since I brought her home, and I think that’s one of the key things for success with them. Hopefully, she’ll acclimate quickly for you and perk up again!
Welcome to Greg, Myrsky! I've never heard of this plant, but I did some reading online.

It seems these are mostly outside plants and they are picky even as outside plants.

What I've read is they don't bloom easily and they require pretty specific care.

I hope you can make it last! It looks like a cool shrub. (:
I have a daphe that I keep outdoors year round, but that may or may not be possible depending on you growing zone. I find that she likes a fair amount of morning sun, and as I understand it, the better the light the better the blooms, but full afternoon sun is too harsh. From what I hear, they also don’t like change, and can be really dramatic about it. I t could be that moving to your home is causing it stress. How long have you had it? Are the conditions it’s in now super different from where it was at the garden center?
I’m having a similar problem with my painted lady. Plants at the nursery or store are grown in ideal conditionsβ€” most of us can’t replicate that at home. I found out I have to accept a plant can be just fine if it’s healthy without being spectacular. My Lady is in fatal droopdom tho. I’ve tried various remedies mostly found on Greg. Green πŸ’š vibes to your plant.

All we've had since I got her has been rain and it has been cold due to the seasons changing. I've kept her inside and close to my south-facing window because she is young, and the only outdoor place I have for her is on my shady porch which is north-facing and never gets direct sunlight.