
Posted 2Y ago by @AroidApothecary

I repotted a new plant two weeks ago…

And the roots are already poking out the drainage holes. Do I just leave it or does it need a bigger pot?
1ft to light, direct
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 year ago
Best Answer
I agree with Miya. repotting is good for plants when needed, but it does stress them out and they need time to adjust. You may weaken your plant if you repot again this soon causing it to be more prone to disease and infestation. It’ll do just fine in the meantime. Just trim the roots where they extend out of the drainage holes and give it time. 🌱🌱🌱
I would leave it till growth slows down, or for at least 2 months than repot it
Thanks for the Best Answer nod. 😍