
Posted 1M ago by @BeefySeedlings

What type of fertilizer?

8ft to light, indirect
4โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 4 weeks ago
I use the orchid spray fertilizer. You spray the leaves and the exposed roots. Not the flowers. The miracle grow brand is the one that I have now. But I may order the we the wild brand next time because I have a lot of their other products. ๐Ÿ˜€
Any standard can work to half dosage [quarter or third dosage can work if you're feeling unsafe]. Use a high-potash blooming one when a stalk appears [same instructions as the standard one].

Alternatively any orchid specific feed can be used [there's a growth one and a blooming one, use the growth when not in bloom and blooming one when it is]
@nellz4estfairyz thanks I spray with that weekly.