
Posted 6M ago by @tatortot38

What type of pest is on my plant?

I just noticed this on one of my plants. What is it? #PlantAddict #PestControl #help
2ft to light, direct
5” pot without drainage
Last watered 3 days ago
I found this! I hope this helps!
Do you see webs or just bugs? It might be mealies. Hose that thing down outside if you can, then insecticidal soap. I took a screen shot of this insecticidal soap yesterday that someone else posted. Don’t forget to isolate it from your other plants and thoroughly clean the area where this plant normally lives.
@tatortot38 I just got my first Piper delivered today. Yes, I ordered on impulse and did lots of research on it. I believe those are the crystals that form on the underside of this plant (Crocatum’s sp. w/red underside leaves especially). They are naturally occurring and no problem. Feel them they are firm crystals. I haven’t dealt with mites, but I imagine their texture is softer.
I think it’s normal for this plant. Sugar chrystals to attract ants but harmless. It’s also a sign that your plant is receiving a lot of light .
Not pest but their naturally made crystals. Mine had crystals when I purchased it soo I was able to ask those questions. Apparently it’s to attract ants for a symbiotic relationship of maintenance and defense.
Thank you to everyone who helped! I learned something new today.