
Posted 6M ago by @BrownThumb24

Cat Snack

Hi everyone, my #PinkQuill is suffering due to a cat with a taste for its crunchy leaves. Any suggestions on how to rehab my poor plant? I’m not really worried about the aesthetics, but I would like for it to stay alive!
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 6 months ago
Do you have any cat grass and/or catnip growing for the cat? I want to get some for mine. Other than that maybe some neem oil might deter them. It has a distinct smell. I would imagine a cat wouldn't like the taste.
@HedwigRhoda I can’t have cat-specific grasses because my cat will literally eat it down to the roots in one sitting LOL.
@BrownThumb24 lol mine probably will too. She kept eating hay when I had bunnies πŸ˜‘