
Posted 1M ago by @greenarkansas

Been noticing yellow leaves on her lately. We don't burn ...

4ft to light, direct
10” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
@greenarkansas Hi Ragan! Scarlett is gorgeous ðŸĨ° Yellow leaves on a Pothos is due to over watering. Make sure the top couple of inches of soil is dry before watering. Check using a finger to the 2nd knuckle, if it feels wet wait a couple of days and come back. Even if the app says it's time. Always check the plant first to make sure. Also you could move it a bit closer to a window with bright indirect light. Direct sunlight will burn its leaves. 😁ðŸŠī
My vargus is the same as your Scarlett she is beautiful yes a move closer to a window and I water my guy every 2-3weeks making sure not to over water... my guy has his spot next to "His" window I have never had a yellow leaf yet knock on wood !! Just gotta check that dirt don't want to over water our sibling plants one pathos to another