
Posted 2M ago by @BabeVila

Am I doing this right?

I got a #BlackVelvetAlocasia as a gift and when I went to pot it, I found 16 beautiful corms, 5 of them with their own roots already! I researched and decided to try propagating the ones that are already rooted. I have them in perlite with a little bit of distilled water, and I made sure the correct tip is facing up. They are under a grow light. Is there anything else I should be doing? Should I put a cover over them for humidity? Thanks for any and all tips! #AlocasiaAddicts #PropagationStation #Propagation #babevila
5ft to light, indirect
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 days ago
Best Answer
@BabeVila every thing looks good but I cover my roots completely and put them in a humidity dome. You can also use damp moss or fluval straham to propagate them in. You can also put them on a heat mat. It usually takes anywhere from 3 weeks to a month to see any sign of a sprout and as a rule once I put the humidity dome on them, I don’t open them for 10 days.οΏΌ these are some of mine girl I use Dairy Queen ice cream cups, and if they don’t fit, I tape them together to make the humidity stay
@BabeVila that sounds fantastic! I know nothing about propagating but I am so happy for you! I do hope this works! πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ˜πŸ€—
@BabeVila and these are ones that I just switched over to soil that I grew from corms and I started them early July and they’re already ready for the move οΏΌοΏΌ
@PoisedAlbo that’s genius! I will order a heat mat and for now I will use plastic baggies… and cover my roots! I ordered some moss but it’s taking forever to get here. Your babies look amazing! You have such talent 😍
@PoisedAlbo okay I covered the roots and put bags over them… do you recommend switching them to moss when it gets here? Or just leave them alone? Thank you for your advice!β™₯️ oh also do I need to change the water periodically?