
Posted 3M ago by @TruthfulApricot

Do the lower leaves of Spear Head Senecio naturally yello...

My Spearhead recently had three leaves yellow and die. They are firm and have a normal texture. They were all the oldest leaves at the bottom.

It was repotted about 3 months ago and it grew quite a bit after that. It is regularly fertilized. There is no sign of root rot.

My Spear Head is in a very well draining terracotta pot with a combo of succulent soil with 35% grit. It is watered only when a moisture meter indicates it is dry.

The plant is under a grow light which is just inches from its top leaves. It gets 830fc of red, blue, and white light for 12hrs per day. I see no signs of sunburn.

I’m at a loss unless it’s normal leaf loss. I’d appreciate any ideas you might have.

#HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #GregGang
15ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 6 days ago
Best Answer
Well it may be just a normal thing, based on everything else you listed. it sounds/looks like the plant is fine it’s just dropping leaves. My succulents do this from time to time too. Even though they are watered, and in bright light, sometimes it’s just a natural occurence . It looks really happy and healthy to me so I wouldn’t stress it.
@TidyTigerpear Thanks, Kaitlyn! ❀️