
Posted 1Y ago by @Floratab

Why its leaves are turning yellow?

Hello all, recent got Madagascar jewel from my senior 1.5 months ago. She had told me that she was away for week or something so she couldn't water the plant so its getting yellow. Now, I am watering the plant atleast one time a week as winter as set here and the plants are under plant light. Unfortunately, my jewel plant is loosing leaf a month by getting yellow. What I might be doing wrong?
7ft to light, indirect
6โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 1 year ago
Most likely too much water. Check the roots. Does the soil type fit the plant?
Thank you Carmen @SuperblyLilac!! I will definitely go slow on water and check for root rot.
@kdzojic Which kind of soil would be best for Jewels?