
Posted 1M ago by @Itsversaxe

Mold? Good or bad?

Help! It got very hot and humid for the past few weeks where I live and a lot of mold showed up on Emmet’s soil! I read coffee can help with it and been told by a friend they just pour it over the soil and it should take care of it, but that did not help! Emmet is giving new leafs and doesn’t seem any different other than that, should I be concerned?
2ft to light, indirect
8” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Eek. Definitely not good for the plant or you. I'd scrape off that layer of soil and either change out soil or at very least, treat rest with diluted peroxide and then don't water again until totally dry.
I read sprinkling cinnamon on the soil after you remove the mold is helpful too.οΏΌ
THAT is why I will never put coffee grounds in my plants anymore. I did years ago and pretty much lost all of the ones that had it.
@NovelRosaryvine I read coffee grounds can be use on plant soil, but only composted, not fresh. Adding it on plant soil that has mold is beneficial .οΏΌοΏΌ
Use cinnamon… it works every time. I add to all my plants. Cinnamon can be used as a natural fungicide to treat mold on plants.