
Posted 1Y ago by @macandcheese

What is going on?

Recently there have been some droplets showing up on the edges of a shoot’s leaves, the bottom leaves of the mother plant have been yellowing and falling off and on one of it’s leaves has a weird almost translucent area.

I got the plant from a friend so I don’t know how old it is and if it might just be the end of it’s lifespan. It also has some browning on the edges. I included some pictures if that helps.

Is it dying? And if it is should I propagate the shoots? #BasketPlant #NotSoHappyPlants #idontknowwhattodo
0ft to light, indirect
8” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
Best Answer
It’s called plant guttation when the little droplets appear on the edges of the leaves. The transparent area is also related, that is called edema. Both happen when the plant is thirsty and it takes up more water than it can use.