
Posted 1M ago by @KinderPlants

Looking a little droopy

Hey everyone! My black velvet is looking a bit under the weather. I only bought it last Thursday, could it just be shock from moving?
#BlackVelvetAlocasia #PLANTMAFIA #GregGang #theamigos #PlantsMakePeopleHappy
3ft to light, indirect
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Best Answer
It's quite possible that your Black Velvet Alocasia is experiencing transplant shock from being moved. Alocasias are sensitive to changes in their environment, and it’s common for them to droop or show signs of stress after being relocated. Make sure it's in a spot with bright, indirect light and that you're not overwatering itβ€”let the top inch of soil dry out between waterings. Given some time, it should adjust to its new environment and perk up. If the drooping persists, check for root rot or pests, but most likely, it just needs a little time to acclimate.
@Gustavo thanks so much Gustavo! Also glad to hear I was right in my assessment, maybe I’m becoming a bona fide plant person after all 🌱
@KinderPlants you’re welcome!
Mine does this if I even just move it to a different spot on the plant stand. They don’t like change and they are dramatic about it. I know mine likes to be misted and enjoys the humidifier.
Idk bc my #silverdragon #alocasia was overwatered and I'm having the opposite problem, yellowing.
But the name! πŸ’•πŸ₯° SoM ftw! That's perfect πŸ–€ one I never thought I would see. I'm waiting on one to name Lucretia 😊
@SteffyHazPlants niiiiiiiiiiice
Mine looks exactly like this and I’ve had it for months, lol. I think I don’t really vibe with alocasias πŸ˜‚
i recently got a black velvet alocasia as well, and i experienced this too. my plant perked up after a little while, it continued to droop just a little so i just used some velcro tape to keep it standing up better:)
@KinderPlants Hey Jessica, I have my Black Velvet under a grow light and it appears to be happy as it is growing a new leaf as we speak. I just give it distilled water and it is actually in a large martini glass 🍸 with other plants but isn’t complaining about the competition. I find it odd that the leaves can appear inverted but apparently this is common. Id give your plant some time to settle
@Seymour hey Seymour thanks for checking in! It’s looking even worse now. The soil felt a bit compacted so I poked holes in it with a skewer… fingers crossed
Hello! I am having the same problem. Also with yellowing leaves. I can always tell when the sun is the brightest the leaves stand straight. I hope they are just moody like the weather.