
Posted 5M ago by @Luckyclovertrip

helpppp yellowing !! Why

10ft to light, indirect
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 8 months ago
Sorry to hear about your plant, I know he/she is very dear to you. I see you belong to the #AmericanJuniper group. You can also hashtag other groups, to answer and give advice, concerning your plant #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #PlantLove
These require A LOT more light than that. At least for around 5 hours of direct sunlight . They do much better outside. They like humidity. Also they enjoy to mostly dry out before giving a good drink. What is your watering schedule? To me it looks like low humidity. Mine is outside with high humidity and a lot of sun. I haven’t had this issue, so that’s all I know about them really. I hope someone will have more information and your baby can bounce back!!!