
Posted 5M ago by @AffableBarley

It keeps drying out with or without watering often. My ne...

8” pot with drainage
Last watered 6 months ago
Hi there! In my opinion it looks like she might be thirsty.. are those white things rocks? If so good job on keeping the leaves from touching wet soil! How long is the top soil staying wet? A recommendation I’d make is repotting it in a smaller pot, I’ve found they like to be more snug & closer together.. I personally don’t use the water schedule cause my plant shows signs it needs water 5 days before the recommended time. I do however think a smaller pot would improve it! The signs I look for is if its bottom leaves start to droop, feel fleshy but not turning yellow, & the soil is BONE dry, I water them. They usually perk up the next day! I live in FL, so on a hot hot day & the soil is kinda moist they may wilt too, just move them into a spot with a little less direct sun in the heat of the day. I have 9-10 clippings in this 8inch pot just to give you a visual about them being snug, seems it helps to protect the babies from too harsh of sun. Hope this helps friend ☺️