
Posted 1M ago by @Catplantaddict

Moonstone munched on my spider plant πŸ’€

I was scrolling as usual, and then I heard Moonstone eating something. I realized she ate part of a leaf. I then realized what she had done this entire time πŸ’€ there's a bunch of eaten leaves. I know this plant is non-toxic, but how can I keep her out of it?
#happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #planttherapy #plantcorner #plantlove #iloveplants #newgrowth #planttlc #greggang #adhdplantlovers #catsandplants #catsofgreg
5ft to light, direct
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
Best Answer
I wonder if adding foil around the pots (or where the cats would jump/sit/stand), or something like cayenne in the dirt would help keep them away. Or like someone suggested, maybe get some cat grass and other cat-chompy-plants in another spot as a distraction. πŸŒ±β˜€οΈβ€οΈπŸˆπŸˆβ€β¬›
I love your kitty!! What a perfect baby πŸ˜πŸ’–

Apparently spider plants are mildly hallucinogenic for cats! I would put it up higher to where she can't reach it. Or perhaps give her an offering of catnip instead?
@Charli3Plant yeah. It's hanging, so I'll hang it farther away. Should I cut off all of the eaten leaves?
That's too bad @Catplantaddict. My cat likes to eat my succulents and cacti and the only thing I've found so far is either pretty bird cages (which is actually very beautiful) or no access at all. That's what I have to do. Poor thing is not allowed in my bedroom until spring when I can move them outside again. I know not everyone can do that so hopefully someone on here comments a brilliant idea instead of citrus spray and bird cages lol. Good luck with your fur and plant babies!
@FairyFly aw. I let Moonstone nose around a little bit with my plants, but I stop her when she eats or chews on them.
Soooo my cat is a spider plant eater too!!! She likes those and my poisonous arrowhead vines…. I didn’t know she was eating the arrowheads .. she got sick 🀒 and I thought it was a hair ball she was trying to throw up but it was my plants… never took notice to them for the 4 years I’ve had her until recently . So now they are on my top shelf until spring… and being on the top shelf all of them are reaching towards to light …. Pain in my rear !!!
@FairyFly love that bird cage idea! Clever work around.
As a Cat Mom of 2 kitties and 15 plants all I can say is Don't make me choose! Most of the time my plants don't talk BACK! Good Luck
I recently lost a spiderling to a chompy kitty, and there are other plants with some evidence of curious cats. If I find an answer, I will share, but for now, I can commiserate.
@RealSimpleMama that is a great idea! I'm pretty sure my dad has some cayenne somewhere, like as the spice. Also I don't like the cat grass my stores sell because they turn yellow instantly even if I douse it in water or not
@RealSimpleMama just added some to the soil. Fingers crossed!
@RealSimpleMama she just chewed on it again UGHHHHHHHHHHH

I stopped her before she did any real damage
@Catplantaddict hmmmm. I’d look into what other things you could add that don’t hurt the plant but would deter the cat! Or maybe try to grow your own cat grass, cat nip, etc.