
Posted 2M ago by @PurelyRose

Watering Advice

How do you decide how big a planter is? I know that sounds stupid, but height differences make a huge difference in volume of soil. I'm new to this app, and if I follow Greg's routine for watering my nerve plant, it'll dry out completely, so I changed the size of the pot in the app. Is that the best advice?
12ft to light, indirect
2โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
@PurelyRose Hey Jeff, best to consider Greg app water scheduling as a useful guide but not a definite demand.
Having a few nerve plants myself, they can be a bit sensitive to watering issues (and throw a fit, for instance) so I would consider the Greg app recommendation and then adopt it to your own special conditions. I understand you can train the Greg app to your water scheduling amendments but if you want to check or more information, email support at

I am yet to commit to Greg app water scheduling recommendations despite loving the app !
No expert but with this plant I just cut the tops then stick them right in the pot. These are all extras from the mother plants. Even the dark mystery is somewhere in there thriving. It's in indoor & cactus soild so I don't have to water often and drains nicely.
The only stupid question is the one you don't ask!
Like @Seymour said, the app is kinda just a guideline, not the end all know all. Plus, it adapts to YOUR routine. When you notice your plant needs water, give it some water, then update it on Greg that you watered. Greg will adjust the frequency of the reminders.
I wouldn't suggest changing the size of the pot. The diagram @LadyOricad put in her post is how you determine pot size ๐Ÿ˜Š