
Posted 2M ago by @Twist3dAng3l

I think my monstera has a fungal infection 😭😭😭 Any sugges...

3ft to light, direct
10” pot with drainage
Last watered 14 hours ago
Try repotting, the roots could be damaged, you will see for yourself if that’s the problem.
It overall looks REALLY healthy. If you’re worried about it, you can incorporate a bit of hydrogen peroxide into the next watering to help dry out the roots a bit and prevent further fungal growth!
@Twist3dAng3l I’m totally with @elisenavidad it looks very healthy.
that lime green leaf means nothing. Newly unfurled leaves on monsteras tend to be lime green. And the little speck is nothing to worry about either
if you are worried, just cut around the speck with sterile clippers