
Posted 1M ago by @etheplantgirl

What is wrong with my dieffenbachia?

It's leaves are starting to droop and they are turning brown. What do y'all think causes it?
0ft to light, indirect
8” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
She looks underwatered. Dieffenbachia maculata should be
planted in bright, indirect sunlight, and kept away from full sun exposure. It needs fertile, well-drained potting soil with a high peat content. Water when the soil begins to dry out. As a tropical plant, dieffenbachia will do best in average room temperature and high humidity.
A thirsty plant's leaves will crinkle and become dry, eventually falling off, whileΒ an overwatered plants leaves will slake off and leave behind a slimy residue on the stalk.Β 
To bring it back to life water your Dieffenbachia when the soil volume is 50-75% dry. Water thoroughly until it drips out the bottom of the pot, and remove excess water that accumulates in the saucer. And Fertilize your Dieffenbachia once per month during the spring and summer with a general purpose houseplant fertilizer diluted to half-strength. Be sure the soil is damp; never apply fertilizer to dry soil.
Ok thank you @SelfmadeSalsify ! I was afraid of overwatering her but considering that she IS a tropical plant I should probably give her some right now.