
Posted 2Y ago by @JJCplants

Watered it yesterday according to the Greg App preference...

1ft to light, direct
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 year ago
These ferns need the soil to stay moist at all times. With that pot size it may mean watering every few days. Water this way and then just mark it as watered in the Greg app. The app algorithm will adapt to the new watering schedule.
@JessaBurra ok thank you!
@Plants2Plant ok thank you.
I would repot the plant into a clay pot. This guy is a little different and likes the soil to dry out between watering. Check the soil to see if it is dry before watering. If it feels moist down a few inches, hold off a day or two.
Honestly, this guy might be too far gone. Look at the roots when you repot it. They may have rotted from staying too moist. But you never know, I have seen plants come back from worse!