
Posted 1M ago by @GoodCurleddock

My leafs are starting to turn yellow and fall off at the ...

2ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
@GoodCurleddock these are extremely prone to overwatering and root rot. I'd cut back to watering it once a month and when you do water it...drown it πŸ˜‚ basically treat this thing like a succulent
I have my ZZ in a 6 in terracotta pot that help to wick out moisture and I give it 1/2 cup every 2 weeks. It’s also planted in cactus / succulent soil with some perlite. It’s doing fantastic 😊
@GoodCurleddock Welcome to the Greg community! Causes of yellow leaves on ZZ plants
If the leaves of a ZZ plant turn yellow, then attention is required. After turning yellow, the leaves will wither and fall off. The reason for this in the vast majority of cases is too much water. The Zamioculcas is prone to waterlogging and root rot. This website has more info,watering%20and%20prune%20your%20plant. Happy Growing!
Exact one cup every two weeks and in winteet every 3-4 weeks else you are murdering zz plant