
Posted 2M ago by @RulerMoonflower

Bareroots: watering advice needed


My bareroot raspberries are progressing well towards the end of Week 1.

Today is day 6. They should be fine going into week 2 without extra watering rite?

Greg tells me to water tomorow, but I'm unsure. Dont bareroots and actual plants hv diff requirements? Plants already hv well functioning roots Vs bareroots just getting started.

What do U guys reckon? The bottom of these fabric bags still feels moist tho...
4โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Thanks. Can the typically once-a-week watering schedule also apply to bareroot plants? Or postpone watering to an extra day(8days) or even 9 days? Is this recommended? Lol