My plant keeps dropping leaves and one whole section fell...

2ft to light, indirect

12β pot with drainage

Last watered 2 weeks ago
@ZealCrystalice If it is indeed in a pot without drainage then that's why. Dracaena are drought tolerant and need to be in some Succulent Soil that allowy water run through the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. Roots need oxygen to breathe and if water is allowed to pool at the bottom with no where to go the roots are basically drowning under the weight of the water.
@ZealCrystalice They also need 10-12 hours of bright Indirect light per day. Not direct sunlight where the sun is hitting their leaves. A South facing window might be too much for it. However if you don't have any other choice get down on your plants level. If it can actually see the sun throughout any part of the day move it a little further away where it can't or put a sheer curtain between the plant and the sun so it's still getting ample light just not direct sunlight.
@ZealCrystalice Sorry I just saw your post. You could also just move it back from the window a bit. Just as long as the sun isn't directly shining on it. Oh ok I only said that because your plant info tag says that it's in a 12.5" pot without drainage. Oops βΊοΈ it's ok it happens. I also just realized that I didn't mention, you might already know but don't water it until the top couple of inches of soil are dry. Even if the app says it's ready. The app is actually Ai and learns your plants watering schedule depending on when you water it, at first, then it corrects itself. So always check to see if the plant is ready. If not just hit snooze on the app or update manually if you aren't using the paid app.