
Posted 2M ago by @SmartNectarine

What’s wrong with my lavender?

Mochi was doing so well but now it’s leaves are starting to turn brown and crispy. I’m not sure what’s happened. Is it just normal for this time of year? But at this rate there’s going to be no leaves left! #EnglishLavender #help #UKGreggers
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
@SmartNectarine its probably going dormant for the winter. There are many articles on to get lavender to survive the winter, mostly as outside plants but probably similar to inside plants too.

Maybe give it a prune back and water a bit less?
@TheLonelyDaff thank you so much I was hoping this would be the case
mine are doing the same thing πŸ˜ͺ
@RealLagunaria I really hope it’s just the time of year
@RealLagunaria I think I keep obsessing over mine too much so I’m just going to leave her alone unless she needs watering
@RealLagunaria they might need a bit of a trim. I just cut off all of the crispy leaves off Mochi so hopefully extra energy can go into making the rest of the leaves healthier