
Posted 2M ago by @SincereDuncecap

Two different sorts of bugs, on two plants, this week :/

My Prayer Plant wasn’t looking great and repotted it to, Leca. To try to help it. I noticed later, it had black little bugs on it- they had also transferred to a Lilly. - I sprayed with diluted neem oil. My Never Never Plant hasn’t been looking great at times, and today I noticed that there are yellow bugs, crawling around in the Leca, in the bottom of the terracotta pot: this plant is in a plastic pot with soil but, sits on a bed of Leca in a terracotta pot. Suggestions and help, please?
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 days ago
Hi! From the looks of it, you may have some fungus gnats. You’re doing well, though! I’d suggest spraying them with neem oil once a week until they’re gone. Also, you could set up a trap of sugar water with a little dish soap (the dish soap kills them. Best of luck! ☺️
Thank you for your help!!! :) I will try this.