
Posted 1M ago by @NovelLionstail

How do I stop the yellowing leaves?!

10ft to light, indirect
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 5 months ago
Do you have a photo of the leaves? yellowing leaves usually mean just regular leaf cycle if it's just the old ones and everything else seem fine
Yellowing might mean age, or overwatering. Do you have a pic? Is it spotty or the entire leaf?
Idk how often you water your pothos but you could possibly be over watering it. I water mine once every two weeks and I’ve killed one from watering once a week. My pothos has never been happier and makes new leaves all the time. It’s also about two meters from a south facing window
It gets pretty irregular watering - mainly when the soil is super dry. I have had this before and lost over half the leaves so trimmed it back and repotted. Seemed to be doing better but lately these two leaves have popped up. I love this plant and have had it for years doing so well! Ahhh I don’t want to loose it!
I think it will be fine, l water mine about once a week, but it’s in my greenhouse.. even the ones on my back porch are once a week with misting daily due to the heat.