
Posted 3M ago by @MatureMarshfern

Lopsided graptoveria

My graptoveria is growing out of its pot. Should I replant it, changing its orientation? Stake it? Move it into a sunnier spot? All of the above? Thanks! #Graptoveria #SucculentSquad
Yes, all of the above. The plant is etiolated, meaning it's stretching for light. You can behead it and propagate the cutting. Once the cutting is rooted move it to a sunnier spot.
At first look I'd say move it much closer to light. Succulents will elongate like this when they are searching for more. You can try staking it's probably best to cut it back and repot. I found this clip that helps explain. Also I originally found out about the stretching on YouTube, it will show you how to cut and replant. Then in time you will see your new babies ๐ŸŽ‰
@Charli3Plant thanks so much!
@WarmDewberry awesome, thank you!