I got this plant shipped last week and I have watered it ...

0ft to light, indirect

6â pot with drainage

Last watered 1 week ago
@PoisedLithops82 Hi Preeti! You are watering it wayyy too much. Only give it water when the top inch of soil is dry. Check with your finger or a chopstick. If either come back wet or with soil "crumbs" on it wait a couple of days then check it again. Even if the app says it's ready to be watered always check the plant first. Fiddle Leaf Figs like sunshine so put it in a window and don't mess with it too much. They are very sensitive and like to be in the same spot. Also when it is ready for water you might want to use either distilled water or collected rain water. Sometimes the chemicals in tap water are too harsh for it. If you have to use tap water you might want to leave it out overnight before using it. ððŠī
Thank you @princesspitstop , I feel its getting thirsty very fast (Within a day or two). Its dry inside the house. Currently its lying next to window. But I can water it using filtered water next time.