
Posted 1M ago by @BrainyGuavatree

I was not home for 3 days and my plants seems to have sha...

My peace Lilly seems to have shatters within 3 days.. it was next to the window but blinds were pulled through but not fully closed blinds.. not sure what happened to my plant., it was tall and beautiful.. please help me recover
2ft to light, indirect
4โ€ pot without drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
When was the last time u watered & do u know the humidity levels?
Maybe move it away from the window and give it more water to acclimate it?
I watered it last on Thursday before I went.. but just sprayed some water.. today when I saw it like this I pour a glass of water and put a cap of plant feed as well
@LikelyBlackash do you think it will recover and the leaves be straight again?
@BrainyGuavatree yes I think she will be fine. She's just throwing a little tantrum for leaving her. Simply return to your normal care routine and she should bounce back beautifully โค๏ธ
@Lifeis2short thank you.. hoping for the best
@Lifeis2short should I keep her away from the sunlight? Iโ€™m not sure if itโ€™s too much sunlight
Thatโ€™s a thirsty plant right there. They tend to be dramatic like that.
@BrainyGuavatree the north window should be just right for her so no I wouldn't move her away from the window. Just water and patience should do the trick
An updating! She is doing way better than she was on Sunday when I saw her.. but I do see some yellow leaves at the bottom!! Do you know the reason? Is it because of too much water or too much sunlight?
@BrainyGuavatree this just happened to my peace lily too and Iโ€™m also curious about the yellow leaves and if I shouldnโ€™t cut them off
@BrainyGuavatree I'm sorry I just saw your update and question ๐Ÿ˜• so glad she's doing better!!
The yellow leaves are likely just older leaves making way for new growth, which it looks like you have a few new leaves coming up. It's completely normal but yes they should be removed
@MadHortPlants yes they need to be removed. They're not doing any good for your plant and they can be a hiding spot for or attract pests ๐Ÿซฃ simply cut off the stem as close to the base as you can get. That's it!