
Posted 1M ago by @Itsversaxe


#PeaceLily is in water, she has been thriving for a year now, I recently fertilized her too. These dark spots are showing to what does that mean?
1ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
Best Answer
@Itsversaxe I’m so sorry to hear that it’s frying your peace lily! Miracle Gro fertilizer, as wonderful as it is, tends to fry plants. I’d recommend looking elsewhere for your fertilizer :( I used indoor plant fertilizer from them for a while and it fried my Rattlesnake plant, to the point of no return. Is she completely water-rooted, or have you transferred her to soil/lecha yet?
What did you fertilize her with?
@MilkNewt indoor plant liquid fertilizer by miracle Gro. I have been using it for a while too 😿
@Itsversaxe I forgot to add this: Peace Lilys are habitually temperamental. A browning leaf may be grounds to prune a little for a happier plant!
@MilkNewt it was so happy in water I just left it in water! I will definitely look into other options for fertilizer she has a few new leaves popping up. I also replaced the water all together πŸ₯²πŸ₯²
@MilkNewt thank youuuu
@Itsversaxe the other big thing that could be happening is she’s suffering from root rot. Are any of her roots browning at all? I’d *highly* suggest moving her to lecha or a different high-draining soil alternative and letting her settle into it. Snip off the brown roots about 1-2 cm from where the brown stops, and clip off the browning leaf to give more love to those happy fresh leaves. My Satin Pothos lost a lot of leaves to root rot. I get the pain! You got this, you’re doing great!
@MilkNewt not at all, the roots look extremely healthy for now. I will consider doing a switch but she’s just a baby πŸ₯²πŸ˜
Hi Milo! It does my heart good to read an uplifting and positive answer...and, that was yours!
"Just a dude, trying to figure out how to take care of his plants." πŸ€”πŸ€ 
You have some good advice here but I will add that sometimes when the temperature drops or there’s not enough humidity this will happen as well. You could put her near a humidifier, give her regular misting or a plate/tray with pebbles and water underneath the pot for added humidity. This happened to mine but stopped once I did this. Best of luck with your beauty!
I just had this happen to mine and it was aerial blight- almost half the plant had been infected by the time I figured it out (thanks to the #greggang for helping me save her!) and the amount I had to chop off literally made me cry. I used diluted apple cider vinegar for a few days, misting every surface VERY thoroughly (my daughter now calls it "the stinky plant" πŸ˜‚ ) and that stopped the spread and appears to have killed the fungus. Aerial blight spreads FAST, so if your PL is infected you'll need to move fast, too. Cut off all burns and brown speckles, sanitizing between every snip, and I hope I'm wrong and it's NOT AB but if it is, it WILL kill the plant if left untreated.

Edit: I took a closer look at the picture and it looks exactly like my sick peace lily did 😟
@CactusAdjacent :0 I’m literally doing all of the above lol I trimmed her yesterday and will sanitize her thank you so much
@Jessa-Dawn that might also be it, I live in Canada and the temperature dropped a whole lot this past week
Hiya, your baby looks beautiful, sorry to hear about her sad leaf! Just wanted to add some tips if I may about growing babies in water: I would be changing her water every week. I have a lot of plants growing in water while I transition them to semi-hydro and I use Growth Technology Clonex Clone Solution and also Root Zone as my nutrient solution (to the amounts specified on the bottles), watering with that every time I change the water over (weekly). Previously I used rain water and added those to the rain water but now I just use tap water and add those to the tap water. I do find that I have to add in a PH adjuster though because the tap water in my area is very alkaline and most plants generally like a ph that’s slightly acidic. Hope that helps :)