
Posted 1M ago by @livslillies

hello everyone, i’ve had prince for a few months now and ...

1ft to light, direct
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Best Answer
Most succulents are slow growers! There’s not a ton you can do other than give it time. There probably has been subtle growths, they just do it at a very slow pace. I always think mine aren’t changing much until I compare them to old photos of them!
Bring the plant so it sits above the soil. Don’t water it too much and in the winter it may not need water at all. Brightest room in your house is best.
Sorry I should say rather, bring the soil to top level with the pot. So the plant sits above the pot. This will give it the space it needs to grow! And like before, definitely don’t over water. You’ve had it for a few months so you’ve got this!