
Posted 2Y ago by @parlourofpalm

No roots on Lambs Ear

I got this Lambs Ear from a small shop in front of someone's house and it was really weird, leaves where brown at the bottom and it had a really long stem with no leaves. I cut off the bits that looked a bit rotten and tried to pot the rest hoping it would get roots (which it didn't have in the first place)
It doesn't look dead quite yet but the leaves are going a bit funky and brown
Any tips on how to get it to grow roots?
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 years ago
Welcome to Greg, Eyeball! You're doing the right thing. You can propagate a lambs ear by a stem cutting inοΏΌ loose, well draining soil. (:
If it doesn’t have roots yet, you might try pulling it from the soil and putting it in water to propagate it. I don’t have experience with lamb’s ear, though, so maybe get a second opinion… 😬
@sarahsalith I checked and most of it was actually dead except from one very small leaf, if put the tiny stem in water to try and propagate it
Think it may be a lost cause though