
Posted 1M ago by @Cjpeters26

Her leaves are starting to soften dog up and fall off- wh...

3ft to light, indirect
4โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Hi! These like a very well-draining, gritty substrate, which it looks like you have, but your plant card says regular soil, so Iโ€™m not sure. They like to dry out completely between waterings, and they like as much sunlight as they can get. They also prefer dry air vs humidity, so I would recommend a process of elimination to see if your plant has all of those elements in its environment, and adjust accordingly. Feel free to @ me with any questions! Hope this helps ๐ŸŒฟโ™ฅ๏ธ
@BabeVila Hi Shannon, thank you so much! The soil is a mixture of perlite and some indoor soil I believeโ€ฆ (my friend is a big plant person and does extensive research before she does anything so I know the soil is good!), itโ€™s well draining and I have it under a plant light for about 6 hours a day. Is it possibly getting TOO much light?!
@Cjpeters26 They like a lot of bright indirect light, so I donโ€™t think itโ€™s getting too much, I think it might like more light if possible. I use these lights for all of my succulents and they LOVE them: just in case you are interested! But a bright window should also suffice. They donโ€™t like too much direct sun but they can tolerate a little. A couple feet from a south facing window would be perfect, or right in an east facing window. Your soil sounds good, are you letting it dry out before watering again?
@BabeVila Because of the weather here we arenโ€™t getting any light in the house, really! So Iโ€™m solely relying on the plant light- but it sounds like I shouldnโ€™t place it directly under and should place more off to the side! I water it usually once a week or week and a half
@Cjpeters26 Oooooh, your soil might be the culprit actually. If it's a regular indoor mix that isn't going to dry out fast enough for a succulent. Indoor mixes are designed to hold onto water, which is the exact opposite of what jades want. Try switching it to a cactus mix with a lot of grit and see what happens.
@Charli3Plant thatโ€™s whatโ€™s currently in there! The plant card is incorrect I have to fix it ๐Ÿ˜…
@Cjpeters26 you mentioned that it was in a mixture of perlite and some indoor soil in an earlier post, apologies if I misunderstood. Can you post some more pictures of the plant to help us get a better idea of what it looks like?
@Charli3Plant of course! I may be wrong on the soil type so here is a picture- thank you for your help!
The wrinkles indicate that it's thirsty. How do the other leaves feel? Firm and plump or soft and slightly bendy?
@Charli3Plant the top leaves are more plump but the other ones seem to be on the softer side- Iโ€™m guessing I should be watering more then my app is telling me to!?
Not necessarily more frequently, but perhaps more in volume. Don't be afraid to drown the plant on watering days. I personally like to bottom water over night: this way I know the plant has gotten enough water throughout the entire root ball.
@Charli3Plant very helpful, thank you!