
Posted 1M ago by @cactera

Why my plants leafs are becoming transparent? πŸ₯Ί

What can i do for it!??? #help
10ft to light, indirect
3” pot without drainage
Last watered 3 weeks ago
Best Answer
Hi Prathamesh πŸ‘‹ I actually went through this exact issue (with a different plant) just the other day!! So I hope it's the same thing and the same cure will work (without being able to touch the plant is hard to know lol 🀣).

So, I have really high humidity in my flat, which is why Tropicals love me! Lol but when you get a combination of high root pressure and high humidity, your plants can Guttate, which means they release excess moisture through their leaves (basically they sweat off the water they don't need as the roots draw it up from the soil).

This can lead to transparent patches on the leaves.

The way I fixed mine was to increase the airflow (there's little I can do about the actual humidity because it's environmental, not caused by humidifiers!) and increase the amount of light she was getting (I moved her from a NW to a SE facing window, but still out of direct sunlight except the very early morning) and AMAZINGLY within a day the transparency was gone! πŸ₯° It shows up more on pale and variegated plants apparently... My wee girl is a Tradescantia Tricolour.

So maybe try giving her a boost of light and either crack a window nearby or get a wee fan to increase airflow. She should bounce right back πŸ₯° xx
@cactera that looks like edema. Is there a chance it has been over watered recently?
@TheOddAsity yes by mistake
@JenniB81 thank you so much for this much help jenni. I’ll try this and tell you what happens πŸ€—πŸ₯°
@cactera it happens! I have been there before too!
Hey @JenniB81 @TheOddAsity it’s healing after keeping in sunlight πŸ˜‡πŸ€—. Thank you guy’s. Now when should i give water ???
@cactera if it were me, I would let her dry out to the appropriate β€œwater when…” time is. Mine like to dry between waterings. But I also live in the desert, so they’re used to it.
@TheOddAsity oh understood