
Posted 2Y ago by @TinyPlantMom

Juniper crisis!

Please help! I have a juniper bonsai that is browning. I’m not sure exactly how to care for it, as she was a gift. Am I over/ under watering? She gets about 3 hours of direct sunlight but not much more because of my apartment facing north. #junipercrisis #help #Juniper #plantcare
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 years ago
Welcome to Greg, Amy! πŸ’š

One of the things I realized (not soon enough) is Juniper an outside plant. Being outside and being in such a small pot, you'll need to water it frequently- much more frequently than Greg might suggest.
@sarahsalith thank you!
Annnddd... it might be too late. 😬
Can you cut the bottom of the stem and see if it's still green?
@sarahsalith yes, I trimmed the bottom branch and it’s still a light green
@TinyPlantMom That's GREAT news! Don't let it dry out and make sure it has adequate water. Bonsais must be watered more often because the pots are small and they are usually outside.
@sarahsalith good to know! Thank you! 🌱 β˜€οΈ