
Posted 1M ago by @Chevysgirl11

I bought this Rose plant Christmas eve for 50p I've cut a...

3ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 4 weeks ago
Best Answer
@Chevysgirl11 These little teeny tea roses are a pain, in my opinion. The difference between happy and dead is one or two days without being watered on time. Ugh...
That said, they (outside roses) like to be trimmed back to start new growth in the spring. I would think the indoor ones can be treated similarly - trimming to promote new growth. I would wait until this one shows some vigorous growth since she's already been pruned quite a bit. Seems to me you're doing the right things already.

I'm a little confused by the picture order (thanks, Greg). Is pic 1 the current state? When I look at pic 2, there appears to be a lot of white on the leaves....pests?
Hi melisse πŸ‘‹πŸΌ Yes Pic 1 is today's Pic I took The white you see is where the plant was sprayed with glitter 😫 I'll see how I get on I can't leave a bargain πŸ˜‚me
@Chevysgirl11 Glitter????? 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 Marketing gimmicks. πŸ₯Έ