
Posted 3w ago by @OmneyasOasis

Why is my neon pothos thinning and not growing?

I know this is supposed to be a very easy plant but somehow Iā€™m killing her šŸ„² any advice? She gets great indirect light from a big window and Iā€™m definitely not over watering her. She has drainage and no pests. Am I under watering?
6ft to light, direct
4ā€ pot with drainage
Last watered 1 day ago
@OmneyasOasis Hi Omneya! If her leaves are yellowing that's a sign that it's being over watered. Make sure that the top inch or so of soil is dry before watering even if the app says it's time always check the soil first.
@princesspitstop thatā€™s so strange because I usually leave her to really dry out until her leaves start to slouch!
I will try to go even longer. Thank you Heidi!
@OmneyasOasis Wait! Lol ok knowing that then she's definitely being under watered! šŸ˜ When you do water it put her in the sink and water her thoroughly until you see water draining out of the bottom of the pot. Try not to let her dry out that much between waterings it causes unnecessary stress on the plant. Check her every 6 or 7 days. When she needs water will vary depending on the conditions where you live and the conditions inside your home. Put your finger down into the soil if it feels wet wait if it's dry water.
@princesspitstop ah okay!! Thank you so much. I do let the water run through. Iā€™ll start to use the finger method. Do you think she can be saved?
@OmneyasOasis Yes absolutely she doesn't look bad at all!
@OmneyasOasis the very yellow leaves will probably fall off but the greener ones will be fine. She is in a pot with drainage holes correct?
@princesspitstop yes she has drainage! And I just watered her today because she was fully dry.
@OmneyasOasis Ok great šŸ‘ try not letting her dry out as much. I'm sure that little change will make a world of difference! šŸ’ššŸŖ“