
Posted 1M ago by @RestfulTanekaha

My gold crest false aralia looks so sad. HELP!

I've tried all I know to try. Which isn't much lol. I'm very much so a beginner. She looks so wilted. The leaves are crunchy. Soil is moist. I took it out of the small pot because there was some moisture in the bottom. What do I do to restore her?
5ft to light, direct
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
I’d say…check the roots for rot? And if it does have rot, then try repotting immediately in new dry soil after removing any rotten roots
Hi Heather! Crunchy leaves are typically a sign of underwatering and/or getting scorched from too much direct sun. Too low humidity can also factor in. Check the base of the plant for any soft or squishy areas, or take it out of its pot and inspect the roots. Rotten roots will be darker in color, mushy, and smelly.

All you can really do is remove any dead or damaged leaves so it can begin focusing its energy toward new growth. If the bottom few inches of the pot is holding onto water, don't move it into an even bigger pot, which could exacerbate the issue. The ideal spot is bright with indirect or mottled sun, and let the soil dry out almost completely between waterings.
Thank you @stephonicle and @tunnybiger! I will check the roots and go from there! Hoping I can save it!