
Posted 4M ago by @WhollyPondapple

Am I doing this right?

My husband bought me this #Calathea (I think it is) for Valentineโ€™s Day and since then, itโ€™s been hanging in there. I donโ€™t think there has been a ton of growth and every now and then, some leaves have died but itโ€™s not too much to be alarmed. Itโ€™s sort of in limbo stage, a purgatory stage if you will.

What would you recommend to get it looking happier and well, more alive? ๐Ÿ˜… #CalatheaCrew #FishbonePrayerPlant
9ft to light, direct
2โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 1 day ago
To help your Calathea thrive and look more vibrant, you can try a few adjustments. First, make sure the plant is getting enough humidity, as Calatheas love a humid environment. You can place a humidifier nearby or mist the plant regularly. Also, ensure it's not in direct sunlight, which can cause leaf burn, but place it somewhere with indirect light. Keep the soil consistently moist, but avoid overwatering, as soggy soil can lead to root rot. Lastly, check the leaves regularly and prune any dead or yellowing ones to encourage new growth.