
Posted 3w ago by @iamkathryn

Leaves are turning.


I've got leaves turning yellow. This is the 3rd one since Christmas to turn yellow.
Do I need to put it in something bigger? Would a gallon size be to big?
4” pot without drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
That’s a fairly small plant. I would not size it up. That said small pots are hard to keep the water right. Little pops need to be watered more frequently. Regarding the yellow leaves, my golden Pothos gets yellow leaves when I go too long between waterings I always stick my finger or a chopstick way down in the soil to make sure it is dry before watering. Not to confuse the point, it’s also possible if you are watering it frequently that it is getting root rot. It looks like that pot may not have drainage.
Drainage would help.
Thanks! I will repot it in something that drains properly.
ur overwatering
Your pot has no drainage.