
Posted 1M ago by @SolidChisme

I recently lost a bunch of leaves from the smaller stalk....

0ft to light, indirect
Last watered 1 month ago
I’d bet it’s not getting enough light on that bottom shoot
It’s not staying wet is it ? They like to dry out quite a bit before watering again.
It’s a pretty small@pot for that plant so I’d be surprised if if that’s it though
Tbh I maybe totally off after looking at the picture closer. Might need more info … do you fertilize? And also how long in that pot? When did you last water and how long between typically?
@TheConservator I have a feeling that this is what the biggest problem is. Since getting this app I find I’m watering it much more than I used to. I’ll definitely back off
@TheConservator it’s been in this pot for an embarrassingly long time. I’ll buy a bigger one today!! And I won’t water it until then??
The app can’t really tell you when at first. That takes time and input from you. As Greg is learning your plant you will have to check the plant and know what it likes. If Greg says water then hit snooze. Then when you water tel it you watered. It will learn. No app or ai will ever be able to tell you exactly from start to finish when though! Short of having a sensor installed in the plant lol. Tgere are just way too many variables involved in water evaporation and water usage.
There are very inexpensive multi meters online 20-30$ tells light moisture ph lvl soil and air temp. You just stick the probe in
Hers mine I just put inch marks on it with a pen lol. Should just have em though πŸ™„
Thank you so much for your help!!!
I make a water concoction with bananas to water my plants. I must say it has done wonders for my babies