
Posted 2M ago by @samowski

Living, but definitely not thriving ☹️

#Philodendron I've had this plant for 2 years now and there is almost zero change and probably even less leaves than when I got it. I can sense it's more of a slow-growing plant, but this is ridiculous. I do see new leaves sprouting at the end of one, so I guess that's something. Please give me tips to make it happier. #happyplants #greggang thank you!
1ft to light, indirect
5” pot without drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
Hi Sammi! Does that pot have drainage holes? If not, it could definitely be one reason why your philo isn't thriving.
What @stephonicle said. Repot in a chunky mix in a pot with drainage. I have two of these. One is living its best life, the other not so much but definitely checking the roots, cutting off any mushy roots, spraying with hydrogen peroxide and the repotting is the way to go!
To expand on my previous comment...drainage holes are super important for the health and well-being of your plant. They allow excess fertilizer and mineral deposits from tap water to be flushed out, they allow the soil to dry out faster, and they let you keep an eye on the roots' health and serve as a gauge for determining when your plant is ready for a bigger pot.
I've been transferring all of mine to clear plastic pots. It's been an absolute game changer for me! The clear pots have saved me so many times when re-potting a plant that I would have missed getting the soil distributed around all the roots properly and it's amazing to get to watch the roots grow along with the foliage.
Definitely take @stephonicle's advice. The plant looks like the wet and mushy kind of wrinkly. Check the roots for rot as well
Good advice here. I love clear pots, but I have trouble finding the right size. I have one that is pretty healthy, but she does seem to be a slow grower. I should probably have her a little closer to the window. I believe they can grow without a ton of light, but they will grow faster with the brighter indirect light. I have a propagation under a grow light and she is very happy and perky. @LadySugarvine which pots do you buy?
Maybe making sure that it doesn’t too much direct sunlight and too much water. I would recommend taking it out of the pot that it is growing in currently in order to check for rot like @Araceae said, along with others on this chat. To me, it looks very ready for a new pot and the soil looks very damp. I don’t own this beautiful type of plant myself, but best of luck to you with the plant and I hope it looks better in maybe a few weeks/months time #NewGrowth
@teacher12 I have tried a few options from Amazon, started with variety sizes and have ordered 4" and 5" individually. They seem to be taller/narrower than standard nursery pots
Yes! I don’t like the taller pots because I have a lot of pottery that is lower. I need to pay closer attention to the height. Not sure why low pots are not standard. It’s weird.
@teacher12, I have trimmed down the height on a few of them. One type I got is very flexible and easy to trim