
Posted 1M ago by @HappyMoonorchid

Looks really bad

#Begonia #PolkaDotPlant #PolkaDotBegonia #help #NewPlantMom

Hello! A neighbour moved and left those plants behind. I have no idea how they were cared for, they were just sitting on the sidewalk.
They look in rough shape, I really wanted to help them get to their best.
Any advice on how to help them out? I watered them and they are close to a south facing window.
1ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 3 days ago
Watch for burning since they are in a south facing window. Other than that they look good πŸ‘. Check for pests. If the begonia looks too bare for you and you want a more bushy look you can chop and prop but other than crispy from it either being dry or getting burnt they look fine
If you have specific concerns though feel free to add that on
@Violetareia i feel like the bigger one should have more leaves around the stem? It looks like they tried to come out but were just too dry and crispy? They are also barely green, they look almost completely red/pink. I’ve never owned Begonias, maybe those are all stupid remarks, I’m sorry.
That’s pokadot plant know by bigonia. They are beautiful and it give flowers as well.
@HappyMoonorchid they are green in the front and red in the backck
Definitely got too dry and crispy. The others probably died off from how dry they got. I guess in that case it still stands though if you want to chop or prune the leaves. Begonia do come in a variety of different colors but your does look like the usual polka dot angel wing cane begonia. They do like moisture so I agree they did probably dry out too much
Begonias aren’t too difficult, I agree with all the advice here. A little shadier spot for a while and water thoroughly, then let dry before watering again. My favorite way of watering, especially if a plant has been neglected, is to fill a larger saucer with water and place the pot in overnight until the top of the soil is evenly moist. If she drinks it all up quickly add more water. Move closer to the window after she’s recovered a while from her crispy-ness. The new leaves should come soon. Enjoy, begonias are very pretty and on the hardy side!
My apologies, Leonardo, please change all to β€œheβ€πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸΌ