
Posted 1M ago by @ComicSilversage

Getting too big! Looking for advice on ✨aesthetics✨

As you hopefully see from the pictures, mah boi is getting too big and its own weight is making him bend... Do ppl usually trim them? I know I can use the cuttings to propagate him but I don't want to end up with a thousand cacti 🀣. Would putting the cuttings on the same pot to make him look 'bushy' be a good idea? #DroopingPricklyPear
5” pot without drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Best Answer
I don't trim mine, but you sure can! You sure can put the pieces right back in the pot, or you can wait for nature to take its course and they might fall off. That's why it's called a Drooping Prickly Pear. πŸ˜‰
Wow I love your cactus 😍🌡
I really don't know about trimming them but I know someone will be able to give you the right answer he's lovely
My original plant.
The baby . I just stuck it in the dirt and watered it like the big one.
Where I trimmed it.