
Posted 2M ago by @Mano

My Urn doesn't look healthy flower died and leaves gettin...

7ft to light, indirect
3” pot without drainage
Last watered 3 months ago
Best Answer
Hi @Mano your plant card indicates that your pot doesn’t have drainage, is that true? If you don’t have drainage, you may be experiencing root rot. It might be helpful to unpot the plant and check the roots.
I totally agree with Kelli without drainage you experience root rot to a degree that you may not be able to bring your plant back from οΏΌ
Oh you might be right I used a stone pot thinking water might go through it
@Mano terracota is porous but you’d still need some drainage and a well draining mix. If you check the roots and find root rot, you can rinse the roots with water, cut off any dead or mushy roots then spray the roots with 3% hydrogen peroxide and repot in a chunky well draining mix and a pot with drainage. I think these also like to be watered from the crown. Let me see if I can find more info there. πŸ’š
@Mano here’s an article on urn plant care, hope it helps.
Thank you so much such a great help I repotted it in new dry soil after cleaning the roots hopefully that saves her